Recently, a York University student posted a picture of a (supposed) Mallard duck that stood head and shoulders above the rest. One might say, a giraffe among its peers.
'What are we, chopped liver?' they asked.
'Oui, oui,' said the French.
Speaking of Long Boi, John Barrowman has been accused of regularly waving his around, like a three year old with a magic wand.
Cheshire cats all over the world, feel vindicated. For years, Barrowman has been appropriating their smile.
Experts are urging the Government to extend the lifting of overseas holiday travel restrictions from the 17th of May, in order to avoid spreading the covid variant in the UK.
I can't wait for Boris to give his usual crystal clear guidelines...try to have a staycation but travel if you must, which means only if it is imperative that you have a holiday overseas but if you can avoid it, stay home. If you can't, try to socially distance when you are abroad and avoid crowded places. But if you find yourself in a crowded place, use a face mask. This means, use a face mask as much as possible, unless you are outdoors but, then again, if it is crowded outdoors, use a face mask and do your best to socially distance. Unless social distancing is impossible. Then wear two face masks. But the best advice is to have a staycation.
According to a BBC documentary, Dolphins have learnt the secret to getting 'high' - a nerve toxin released by certain Puffer fish. Because they are intelligent (dolphins, not puffer fish) the dolphins know the technique to manipulate the puffer fish to release the exact amount of nerve toxin, which can otherwise be deadly.
They then pass the puffer fish around for a 'toke', after which they all rise to the surface and listen to 'Lucy in the sky with diamonds'.
I do wonder what happens to the dolphins that get hooked on puffer fish. The ones who go around offering their right fin for an extra turn at a puffer chew. Do they get sent to detox School called Pod save these Dolphins?
Until next time, try and keep it light.
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