Weekly news - rave or rant?

Saturday, 26 June 2021

A lighter look at the news


Oh dear! Our Health Minister (the one with all the sex appeal of a shoe string) was caught performing an unofficial test on one of his aides, without the use of any PPE, whilst practising, what can only be described, as the opposite of social distancing. After watching him swab the aide's tonsils, the result is unanimous - ew.

Instead of rapping the knuckles of Matt Hancock's  once splayed hands (which, alas, I can't unsee), good old Boris has accepted his apology and has declared the matter closed. In a world of decent, good, human beings, how did we end up with these goofballs governing us?

One might argue that it is between Hancock and his wife and the aide and her husband. But it isn't. He is our Health Minister and the last time I checked, covid-19 hadn't checked out. 

The pandemic, which is sprouting variants, is still around and our Lothario of a health minister (a week ago, you would've knocked me down with a cue tip if you'd told me I'd be using that word to describe him) never tired of telling us to wear masks, socially distance ourselves from one another and wash our hands. I can only hope he did the latter (while singing 'Happy Birthday' for twenty seconds) before splaying them on the aide's lower back (I am being polite).

To be fair to Hancock, he does seem like the type who's easily confused. Perhaps he thought that the Government had resurrected its 'Eat out to help out' scheme and he was only doing his bit to help. 

One might wonder how Mrs Hancock is handling the situation. Apparently, she coiffured her hair and took her dog out for a walk. Her actual dog, not her husband. She may well take him for a walk later. Possibly, to the cleaners.

Across the pond, an employee of the former President (the one who didn't lose the election 😂) is under investigation. His name is  Mathew Calamari. I looked closely at his picture but couldn't tell if he's battered, breaded or stewed. He does, however, appear to have tentacles above his upper lip.

Until next time, try and keep it light.

ps: Since posting this blog, Matt Hancock has resigned. 

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