Weekly news - rave or rant?

Monday, 20 April 2020

A look at the news

Oh dear, Piers Morgan (or Fierce Jargon as I not-so-fondly call him), is apoplectic with crossness yet again. Mercifully, this time it is not directed at Meghan Markle. Instead, pouty mouthy Victoria Beckham is the cause of his most recent surge in ire (not that it takes much).

I would say however, that in this case, I kind of share his crossness a bit. Just a tiny bit mind you - wouldn't want to share more than a smidgen of that nucleic burst of fury he exudes when something (mostly anything) gets him going.

The reason he is angry with Victoria Beckham (who apparently the Gods did not bless with the ability to smile) is because she has decided to furlough her 30 staff, instead of dipping into the 335 million pounds she shares with David alas-not-a-Sir-yet Beckham, to pay them.

This of course means that the tax payers ultimately will foot the bill. C'est la vie you might say (if you are French or pretentious) and to that I will say  non non (even though I am neither French nor pretentious).

Simply put, at Vicks VapoRub's last birthday, the couple celebrated with a £1,300/- bottle of wine. Even more simply put, that amount is probably the monthly wage of some health workers. And moronically put, those same health workers will probably pay tax to enable Victoria to continue her pretence of being a fashionista.

By the way, if you think that Vicks VapoRub is a silly nickname, I agree with you. Vicks VapoRub can offer relief and put a smile on your face.

Going back to the Beckhams, I am sure that Piers and his ilk will soon forget to be apoplectic and will go back to splashing the Beckhams' pictures in their rags, particularly of their son, New Jersey... Manhattan... Brooklyn, whatever his name is, and his current girlfriend.

The only positive one can take is, when it does happen, we'll know that life has returned back to normal.

Meghan and Harry have decided to uncouple from four British tabloids. Guess who is apoplectic with crossness yet again? At this rate, he is going to turn into a permanently crabby old man, or as I like to put it, a crosstacean.

Meanwhile, in the world of tennis, there is a possibility that there may not be any matches until a vaccine is found, to counter the coronavirus.

Now, I don't know about you, but if someone offered me a safe vaccine, I would be rolling up my sleeve and offering my arm before they got to the '19' part of 'covid'. But not Novak Djokovic.

Apparently, he does not believe in vaccinations (sigh) and would have to think long and hard about his decision, if it came to that.

In other words, chomping on unsanitary grass at Wimbledon is fine but receiving a vaccination that offers protection against a deadly virus gives him pause for thought. This gives me pause for thought as well but you don't want to know what I'm thinking.

Finally, I think I've reached saturation point and can't bring myself to say too much about the orange oaf across the pond but this picture of one of his followers, protesting against the lock down, says it all.

Photographs captured the nurses standing in front of a number of vehicles staring back at the drivers with their arms crossed, refusing to move under a cacophony of horns and hecklesThe nurse refuses to move despite the protester attempting to engage in a verbal altercation with him

Mind you, Miss Orange-a-tan's face suggests that she is protesting but her sign suggests that she is giving away land.

I really thought that I could not admire health workers any more than I already do but these pictures have taken my admiration to a whole new level. 

Until next time, stay safe.

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