And Cinderella was to be Cinderella and baby Liberace was to be baby Liberace but not when he was no longer a baby.
When they lived in the Kingdom, Prince Hairy (who was called a 'Prince' then) and Cinderella, lived in a cottage that had more frogs than any other cottage in the Kingdom.
Cinderella had quit kissing frogs after she had met her prince, so she did want to live in a cottage that had more frogs.
So, the frogs were bribed with money from the 'Go Fund Me' page that the people had funded, to leave the cottage forever.
But now Granny said that Hairy and Cinderella were going to top up the Go Fund Me page, so the people did not have to be cross anymore.
Sadly, most people were still cross. The special people with cameras and computers were still the crossest of all the cross people. And Pisst Jargon was still purple with apoplectic crossness.
It was presumed that the nouveau riche frogs were the only ones in the Kingdom, who were not cross.
A few people said that this was not true. They said that they too were not cross and to show their lack of crossness, they walked around in jackets that were invented by Queen Melonya? (from the Kingdom across the big pond that was ruled by King Frump).
So, they offered a reward for anyone who could find the marbles that Jargon had lost on the platform that was called Social.
Hairy was preparing to cross the big pond to get to Cinderella and baby Liberace and he was happy because he would not have to borrow Greater Iceberg's sailboat. He could fly again.
In the meanwhile, Prince Randy had not stopped sweating. Only now he was sweating so much, he was under suspicion of causing flash floods and making everything salty.
This made him apprehensive that he may no longer be called Prince. He would just be called Randy.
And a Randy Prince can get away with so much more than just an ordinary Randy person.
Until next time, try and keep it light.