As if it wasn't bad enough that Meghan Markle had to go through the stress of her father's ill health and last minute inability to attend her wedding, guess who piped up to give her two bit worth (and I am being generous).
It was, of course, estranged half-sister Samantha, mastermind behind the staged photos of their Dad and 'author' of Diary of Princess Pushy's Sister, who insinuated that either her Sister (Princess Pushy) or Kensington Palace, have been putting pressure on her not to talk to the media.
Such a shame that they haven't succeeded so far.
Since I have the time, but certainly not the inclination, this is a condensed version of her diatribe. 'This is not Great Britain. I am a US Citizen. In this Country we have Freedom of Speech'.
All I would say to that is, 'This is Great Britain and in this Country we have Freedom of turning a Deaf Ear to Freedom of Speech, when 'speech' is merely words-strung-together-with-intent-to-malign'.
Paradoxically, she claims to have bought a wedding present for her sister. I wish she had consulted me first. I would've suggested a present that would be priceless, yet not cost a dime. Her Silence.
Said silence would be golden to the Royal couple (and the rest of the world).
Actually, I am being rather harsh. She does seem concerned about their father, Thomas Markle. 'He is all on his own', she laments.
Well, here's another suggestion Samantha (I am on a roll) - hop across the border and keep him company, like the dutiful daughter you claim to be.That way you may also avoid getting hurt in paparazzi chases (real and imagined).
Another way to avoid getting hurt of course, is to stop chasing them.
Meanwhile, the other sterling sibling, Tom Markle Jnr. is in Britain. Apparently, he hasn't thought twice about putting a border and an ocean, between their convalescing father and himself.
'Open letters' Tom has, unashamedly, gone from being scathing to grovelling. Something tells me a reality show on the Malevolent Markles is not too far off.
Talking of families and reality shows, Kim Kardashian got into a spot of trouble for sucking a lollipop, albeit, a lollipop of the appetite suppressant kind.
She enthused how amazing they were, on Instagram, with a pic of her sucking on one. She urged her followers to hurry up and buy them, as the first 500 were up for a 15% discount.
Not free - just 15%. Perhaps that was all the company could afford, after paying Kim her touting fee. Nevertheless, the we-are-not-amused brigade came out in full force.
The most vociferous among them was actress Jameela Jamil, who, besides calling Kim a toxic influence on young girls, proceeded to say, 'Maybe don't take appetite suppressants, and eat enough, to fuel your brain.'
That is rather harsh, considering Kim does look like she eats enough. It's not her fault that it goes in the opposite direction to her brain.
A few thoughts on the Wedding of the Year (don't want to hurt Will and Kate's feelings by calling it the Wedding of the Decade).
Meghan looked stunning in her dress, which was classically beautiful. Someone on social media criticised it for not being Royal enough, due to the lack of frills.
Here's a news flash - Meghan is a modern woman, who doesn't need frills to look or feel like a Princess. Having said that, I think the 15 foot veil was a brave choice, considering one of her page boys was Prince George.
Did she not hear of his attempts to gleefully jump on the train of his Auntie Pippa's wedding dress, when he was her page boy?
Perhaps she did, which is why she chose two older (and, more importantly, bigger) page boys to help manage it (and George).
In my opinion, one of the stars today, was the Very Reverend Bishop Michael Curry, who delivered an animated, yet significant, sermon, not just to the Couple, but to the world at large.
However, the real star to me, was the Mother of the Bride, Doria Ragland - the only family representing Meghan.
She was dignified, calm, graceful and ever so slightly emotional - not an easy job to pull off in normal circumstances, much less, when the eyes of almost 2 billion people are upon you.
I think I will take up Yoga again.
Alas! I do have a rant. Nothing to do with the Wedding per se but everything to do with its coverage.
The constant zooming in on James Corden and the Beckhams, got on my last nerve. In fact, my last nerve doesn't exist any longer - it gave up after the 105th zooming in on the Beckhams.
David Beckham looked like he couldn't see the wood from the tattoos and Victoria appeared to be sucking on a sour version of Kim Kardashian's appetite suppressing lollipop.
Nevertheless, an amazing celebration of a lovely couple's wedding, with glorious weather to match.
Good luck to Meghan and Harry, the spanking new Duke and Duchess of Sussex

Until next week, try and keep it light!
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