Kanye West decided to do his bit for gun control. Like his alter ego, Jesus Christ, he decided to embrace humility and claim to have a 'hero' (other than Donald Trump).
To this end, he tweeted a picture of Emma Gonzalez with the caption: 'My hero, Emma Gonzalez'.
He must've been so overcome with his grand gesture as he waited in anticipation, for an effusive and gushing thank you of simpering disbelief. He waited in vain.
Cue, grand gesture number two. Mr. West shaved his head to emulate his hero's shaved look. He tweeted a pic of himself in all his shiny pate glory, with the caption,'inspired by Emma'.

This time there was a response - Ms Gonzalez tweeted a similar 'My hero' captioned picture.
Alas! The pic was not of Kanye. It was, deservedly, of James Shaw Jr. the man who tackled and disarmed the suspected mass shooter in the Waffle House Restaurant in Tennessee, with his little daughter.

Awww, nothing worse than unrequited hero worship. Never mind Kanye, I am sure you and your bruised ego will bounce right back, after you have dipped into that dragon energy you share with your 'brother' Donald.
Amber turned to red and the Cabinet is now Rudderless. I apologise, I can't help myself sometimes.
Sajid Javid has replaced Amber Rudd as Britain's Home Secretary. Sadiq Khan of course is London's Mayor. The two have similar sounding first names, similar Asian backgrounds and are close in age. Something tells me, they may well become the Ant and Dec of politics.
Bruno rocked up to the start of Dancing with the Stars wearing a come hither look and an outfit that can only be described as mutton dressed as baby zebra. Oh dear! Someone give the man a cloak.
In the meanwhile Germaine Greer appeared on ITV's 'This Morning,' dressed age appropriately, in other words, mutton dressed as mutton.
She managed to annoy a lot of people with her opinion on the upcoming Royal Wedding. She said and I quote, 'I don't want to be the wicked witch. If I say that I think she will bolt, I'm probably saying I hope she will bolt.'
If you are not intellectually predicting it but emotionally willing it, that by definition makes you a wicked witch GG.
Also, she appears to be turning her coat on the Sisterhood, claiming that the #metoo and timesup movements are filled with whingeing band wagon jumpers.
I am sure that is true of some women (as there will always be, regardless of gender) but to tar everyone with the same brush is ridiculous and highly insensitive.
To add insult to horrible injury, she holds the men who have been at the receiving end of sexual harassment, up as shining examples of non advantage takers.
What rock was she residing under when Cliff Richard was falsely accused by a man?
I wonder what item of clothing she'll chose to burn this time, to show her support for men - her Granny knickers perhaps? Mind you, they might serve as a blanket and put the fire out instead.
Until next week, try and keep it light.
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