King Frump ruled his country for almost four years. Alas! During those four years, King Frump had forgotten that he wasn't actually the King of the country that he ruled. In fact, his country practised something known as democracy.
King Frump didn't like that word, on account of it meaning that people got to choose who could rule them and King Frump only liked the dimly frumpy people who liked him and wanted him to rule them forever.
The people who were dimly frumpy and wanted King Frump to rule them forever, got very cross with the people who liked democracy and wanted to choose whether King Frump should continue ruling them or whether Toe Hidin' should rule them. (They wanted Toe Hidin' on account of him being kinder than King Frump, who was only kind to himself and his daughter).
This made King Frump so apoplectic with crossness, that foam and froth started to bubble from his mouth. Some people said that it wasn't crossness that was causing this. They said that he was drinking too much of his special drink known as covfefe
King Frump, who was a very clever man on account of the jeans he inherited from his scientist uncle, came up with a plan. He told the people that if he won, it would be fair and if he didn't win, it would be unfair.
The dimly frumpy people, who preferred a demagogue to democracy, thought that this was a very clever plan.
King Frump went on the platform that was social and tweeted his clever plan, many, many times. The people who liked Toe Hidin' and democracy, said that King Frump's clever plan was excrement from a bull.
Mr. Hidin's assistant, Tabla Paris told everyone that he would be a marvellous King, even though he had a toe that was shy. People believed her on account of her being very clever. She was cleverer than King Frump because she inherited her jeans from her mother.
King Frump's assistant, Bike Fence was unable to help him. People said that he once took a swipe at a fly and that the ghost of the fly now stalked him. Even Mother could not help him get rid of the fly.
But that didn't matter, on account of there being many people who were happy to spread Frump's excrement from a bull. One of them was a woman called Dayleigh Macaroni, so called, on account of her using words that were twisted like macaroni, every day, when she spoke to the people with microphones and cameras.
Meanwhile, King Frump's wife, MelonYa? confided in a friend that she no longer wanted duck at Christmas. She was also sad that people thought that she did not think about anything, so she decided to think about something.
After thinking about many things, she decided to think about bullying. She called it MeBest, in honour of herself and her husband, who was also the King of bullies. (Many people said that no one could bully like him. He was the best bully there ever was.)
The day of Selection came around and the people chose who they wanted to rule them for the next four years. It was not King Frump - it was Toe Hidin'.
All the people in the Kingdom, who loved democracy, rejoiced.
This made King Frump lose the two hinges that kept him together. He kept mounting the platform that was social, and like an angry bird, he tweeted even more excrement.
The dimly frumpy people believed King Frump's angry bird tweets. They got violently dangerous and stormed up an important house on a hill, where there were lots of important people.
This dismayed the un-frumpy people, on account of their Kingdom now starting to look like it only sold bananas.
All this made the owner of the platform that was social, very cross and King Frump got pushed off the platform forever.
Alas! King Frump was not banished from the Kingdom. He still lives in the Kingdom, in F-a-r-t-o-go with MelonYa?
All the people (except for the dimly frumpy people) are happy that he does not live in the Bright House.
Toe Hidin' lives there now, with his wife, Dr Pill (so called, on account of her being a tonic to everyone who meets her) and the Bright House is shining brighter than ever.
Before leaving the Bright House, King Frump once again tried to impersonate a peach. And once again, Fancy Pay-Lucy was having none of it.
King Frump had a final wish as a king - he wanted the people to do something to remember him forever. They decided to dedicate this rhyme to him...
Ding, dong bell
Frumpy's in the well
Who put him in?
Fancy Pay-Lucy thin
Who'll pull him out?
No one... he's way too stout!
Until next time, try and keep it light.
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