On January 6th this year, one might've hoped that Presidente El Trumpo, would have a moment of Epiphany and realise that he had lost the US Election and that he did not stand a chance in hell of residing in the White House for four more years.
Well, one would hope but one would be rather silly to have such a hope, not after four years of watching this tweeting tangarine veer from offering ridiculous cures for the Coronavirus, to recently making a phone call to Georgia's Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, asking him to pluck out 11,780 votes from thin air.
(On the bright side, I can stop calling him a tweeting tangarine, now that he can tweet no more. Thank you twitter....never was the saying, 'Better late than never,' more apt.)
Although the whole thing sounded like a tacky tribute act to 'The Godfather' (I half expected a horse's head to be dropped into the conversation), to be fair, he wasn't asking Mr. Rafensberger to do all the dirty work. He helpfully came up with a name to explain away the potential, miraculous discovery of precisely 11,780 votes - recalculation.
Unbelievably, quite a few people laughed it off as the rantings of a man who knows his days are numbered.
Not sure if they are still laughing because on the 6th of January, while the electoral college votes were being formalised, President Sh*tstirrer waved his tiny, black begloved hands and riled his slowpoke followers to such an extent, that they stormed the Capitol building, while he slunk back to the Whitehouse to watch the chaos unfold.
Now, one might ask, how did this actually happen? After all, we, the rest of the world, saw how efficient the law enforcement in the US can be. We saw many examples of this efficiency in the summer of 2020.
Sadly, that efficiency appeared to be missing on this occasion. Notwithstanding the presence of important politicians in the building, there appeared to be some reticence in coming down heavily on the slowpokes. A Tom Selleck wannabe policeman even got his 15 seconds of fame, as he happily posed for a selfie with one of the slowpokes.
Quite baffling, really. I mean, a man was allowed to recline behind the desk of the Speaker of the house, with his feet on the desk. I suspect if that man belonged to different race, he would've been shot before his backside even touched the chair.
Who am I kidding? He probably would've been shot at before even entering the building, much less the office of the Speaker.
Another image I found striking, was that of a woman on the arm of a policeman, being gently guided down the steps of the building. Now, unless she was his grandma, who had inadvertently got mixed up in the riotous crowd, what the hell did he think he was doing.
If Granny slowpoke was fit enough to climb up those steps, she jolly well should have been left to her own devices to manoeuvre her way down.
My guess is, once again, had Granny slowpoke been of a different race, the policeman would've helped her down the steps, only it probably would've been with a swift push in the back.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have their work cut out for them. It was unsettling to witness the most powerful, democratic country in the world, resemble a banana republic.
Hopefully, after the 20th of this month, President Tin Pot and his followers, the Slowpokes (I prefer calling them that, because Trumpists just perpetuates the name) fade away. The lot of them, whether they be a person, woman, man...lets hope they disappear from in front of camera(s) and TV(s).
Until next time, try and keep it light.
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