In my previous blog, I mentioned that it was a treat to not have to comment on something President Ding Dong from across the pond had said or done. I did also wonder how long it would last.
Well, you won't be surprised to know, that even as I was writing the blog, President Ding Dong had started ringing his bell. What brought it on?
Well, you know how the original Emmanuel said the words, Lazarus, come forth and Lazarus came forth. A modern day Immanuel, a doctor, no less, uttered the word hydroxychloroquine and guess who came forth.
Yes, when the very cognitively sound President El Sharpo (who is also in touch with his feminine side, El Sharpie, which you only see on rare occasions like hurricanes) heard his favourite treatment for covid-19 being promoted by Dr. Immanuel he said, and I quote, I thought her voice was an important voice and she was very impressive.
I guess you could say that Dr Doolally's voice is an important voice and that she is impressive.....if you lived with your head in the clouds or in Uranus. Here on Planet Earth we have more traditional beliefs on how babies are conceived.
The cognitively sound President should know that. After all it involves two of the five words he had to memorise in that test that he aced - woman, man.
(Apparently, it has become part of folklore that the doctors present at the time Ace Cognito took his test, are still looking for their socks, which he knocked off with his performance, the kind of which they had never seen before).
Maybe most of us are guilty of being boring and lacking in imagination but generally we tend not to think that conception involves a woman and an alien or a man and an alien who temporarily transforms itself into a woman and then they reproduce more of themselves. (And you thought I was being unkind when I called her Dr. Doolally).
Another of Dr. D's claims, is the existence of a vaccine that turns people against religion.
That explains the man I saw awhile back, lurking near a church in London, who appeared to be hiding a syringe in his hand. At the time, I thought he was a junkie. But now I have to wonder if it was a radical scientist, waiting to jump on a Catholic and inject them with a non-religious inducing serum.
I'm grateful that I don't live in the US. I would be in such a dilemma trying to decide who to listen to.....
These two....

or, these two....

Until next time, try and keep it light. And keep a wary eye out for those pesky aliens looking to implant their DNA. If you do come across one, here's a tip: repeat hydroxychloroquine three times and sprinkle some bleach. I heard that they disappear.... just like magic!
caution: bleach can cause burns and uttering the word hydroxychloroquine can cause the appearance of a large orange man.
And hydroxychloroquine makes an appearance yet again.....