It's been ten days since I blogged and in that time, the cognitively sound Tweeting Tarantula from across the pond has been relentless in his jaw dropping interviews, tweets, comments... you name, he's got the market cornered.
My brain cells have begged for some time off and I have relented...well, almost.
So, I'll keep it short. Recently, an attack on Joe Biden from Ace Cognito was deemed extremely personal and tasteless (as if good taste and the man have ever crossed paths).
He called Joe Biden an enemy of God. Rich, I know, coming from the man who held a bible upside down, for a photo op. while grinning like a Thorny Devil.
The resemblance is uncanny but the pic below is of the original Thorny Devil.

While most people were outraged on behalf of practising Catholic Biden, I might play Thorny Devil's advocate and wonder if he may be privy to some classified information. Information that is so classified, it only resides in the head of his pal, Dr Stella Immanuel (she of the, watch out, the Aliens are coming to impregnate humanity, fame).
Stellar Stella is the only one at the moment who knows of a vaccine that has been developed to innoculate against religion. Maybe someone got close enough to Joe Biden to sink a loaded syringe full of anti-religion serum into his blood stream.
After all, has anyone seen him in Church recently? Well I know there is a lock down in place (those pesky coronas love to party where people congregate) but has anyone seen him live streaming Mass?
Yes, I know that would be an invasion of his privacy but who cares? The Thorny Devil sure as hell doesn't.
A quick segue into the corona virus crisis in the US. In his interview with Jonathan Swan, Donald Trump, the ultimate wordsmith, encapsulated the situation in one reassuring, cognitively sound, sentence, It is what it is.
Now, he can wear a bespoke jacket with those words emblazoned on it, to match his wife's equally sensitively worded jacket.

Until next time, try and keep it light. If the restrictions are getting you down, throw on a jacket, go for a walk and just remind yourself of what a scholarly gentleman once said ......
'It is what it is'.....really???