Simba and the Chief Medical Officer (aka Rafiki) are convinced that if we carry on as normal, enough of the population will get infected, recover and gain immunity, thereby protecting the whole herd and thumbing our noses (which we will be able to do without the need for hand sanitizer) at Corona.
In my lifetime, I have been visited by viruses of all sorts, Influenza being quite the frequent flyer. So, pardon me if I am a little baffled.
We were told that Coronavirus was indeed quite similar to Influenza and I have played hostess to influenza on many occasions, so who's to say that the same is not true of Corona? No one - that's who. Because Corona is the new kid on the block. No one knows. Not even Rafiki.
I am now going to dig out my drums and beat out a message to Simba....Naaaaants ingonyamaaaaaaa bagithi babaaaaaa 🎵
I have only just discovered that I was wrong to assume that Boris Johnson has aspirations to be the Lion King. Apparently, he has aspirations to be Churchill. Ohhhh yes!
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He first said that the whole thing was a democratic hoax. Then, using his doctorate in virology (being the modest sort, he has kept that under his fetching toupee), he assured people that Corona was like my friend Influenza - he even called it Coronaflu.
He went on to urge people to go to work as normal, even if they had a slight fever or a cough.
Then, he had a sudden change of heart (or maybe it was his kidney) and he stopped all travel from Europe to the US, except from the UK and Ireland.
The UK appears to be his favourite (like Ivanka). But now he's stopped travel from Ireland and the UK as well - so we are not such favourites after all.
Amazing how the whole globe is at the mercy of this germ that cannot even be seen by the naked eye - or even a bespectacled one. (I know I made the same joke last week, but humour me, there isn't that much to make light about).
I, for one, am going to Keep Calm and look forward to the day I can say 'I'll have a Corona' and watch a cold one being poured in a glass with a lemon wedge on the side.
Until then, let's try and keep it light.
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