Gone are the days when L'orange giggled like an excited school boy with a crush, as he linked arms and basked in a bromance with Macron.
Their bromance appears to be as dead as that symbolic friendship tree they planted when Macron visited the US.
As usual, when anything irritates Trump, he lashes out, saying something scathing about the person/country. So, unsurprisingly, he had a dig at French wine.
He said, and I quote, "I've always liked American wines better than French wines .....even though I don't drink wine. I just like the way they look."
I am going to go linguistically Anglo-French here and say 'oh dear, sacre bleu, sugar and mon dieu.' Do we laugh or do we cry?
If you were expecting something slightly stronger like 'sheeet' or 'merde', you ought to know better by now. I keep my blog clean, just like (apparently) Trump keeps his liver.
So (surprise, surprise) he likes things just because they look good. Hmmmmm, wonder how Melania feels about that?
To answer my own question, 'should we laugh or should we cry?' I vote that we should laugh (with relief).
Can you imagine what his 2 am tweets would be like if he was bladdered? Doesn't bear thinking about.
If the Obamas thought for a minute that they were now safe from his interference, they were sadly mistaken.
L'orange has demanded that there be an investigation into their estimated $65 million book deals.
As the teletubbies would say, 'Uh oh!' I think the green monster is taking over the orange monster.
I think the closest L'orange has come to encountering any sort of book, was that magazine that (allegedly) a certain Stormy person was asked to roll up and spank him on the bottom with.
And he had to pay for the privilege!
Until next week, try and keep it light.
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