We all know that Mount Snowdon didn't gently bend towards her to whisper in her ear, 'Call a snap election, Tess'. We know that it was Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill, her aides who did the whispering. And like all whisperers who give bad advice, they have resigned.
In one of my blog pages 'Reflections on the Week' I mentioned that David Cameron handed Theresa May a gun loaded with just one shot with article 50 engraved on it, which was fired on 29th March, 2017. Well, turns out there were two shots and after firing the first, she later aimed the other, with 'snap election' engraved on it, and shot it right at her designer clad foot.
She is limping along, using the DUP as a crutch to stay in power. Yes, the DUP - the homophobic, climate change denying, Pope bashing political party. How long will that honeymoon last, before, to use the terminology of that great linguist, Gywneth Paltrow, the two parties uncouple.
Public money to the tune of 130 million pounds was spent on this election. Imagine how many food bank shelves could be stocked with that money or to put it in language TM might understand, imagine how many designer shoes could be bought with that money. A lot of money spent, for her to discover that she is not as popular or as strong or as stable as she and her party imagined. A painful, expensive and ego bruising discovery.
Personally, I think it was her reckless admission of the naughtiest thing she has ever done - running through wheat fields. I bet it was those irate farmers' votes she lost. And who can blame them? They labouriously spend hours growing their crop, they put up scarecrows to deter the birds and then what happens? A young Theresa May decides to run through them!
She could have said that she nicked her father's cigarette butts (if indeed he smoked) or that she pulled a chair from under someone... but no, she had to be cutting edge and admit to running through fields!
In the meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn's grin these days could almost rival Donald Trump's when he met the Pope. Talking of which, it's a shame JC is not yet in contention to be the Prime Minister because he has a plan on how to handle Donald Trump when he is being contrary.
He says that he would write 'Sorry mate, you're wrong'. This he says would be a handwritten letter. As if the tangerine who tweets would be impressed by that. In his lovely vision of the world, JC probably imagines that Trump's little hands would tremble as he opens the handwritten letter and then he would be so overcome with repentance at his contrariness that he would vow never, ever to be contrary again.
Corbyn missed his calling. He should be a writer of children's fairy tales - they all have happy endings. Real life.....not so much.
Until next week, try and keep it light.
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