Yes, the United Kingdom has left the (EU) building. No one expected it; the Brexiters hoped for it and the Bremainers were cautiously optimistic that it wouldn't happen.There seemed to be a perception that bigots, nationalists and racists were the only ones that would be voting to leave. Well, one thing is clear - it wasn't only bigoted racists who opted out because we all know that 52% of the British public are far from being either bigoted or racist. It's not to say that a percentage of those who voted out are not bigoted racists, I am sure a few are, but the rest came to a decision - whether it is the right decision or not, only time will tell. It is a democratic referendum and the people have voted and it is time, disappointed or not, to come to terms with it, in my humble opinion. Also, I did say before the vote, that Brexit may win if some people said that they were voting to remain but would secretly vote 'out'. And who can blame them if the perception was that they were either bigots, racists or xenophobes if they did so.
Like most people, I assumed that the UK would vote to remain and since the next day was a working day, I decided to have an early night. I was gobsmacked to hear the news in the morning. Once I (and my gob) recovered, I naturally expected that those who voted to remain would be bitterly disappointed and those who voted out would extremely elated. Unexpectedly, and much to my surprise, I didn't see too much gloating from the Brexiters. In fact, other than a certain politician ('toad-face' is my nickname for him; quite unkind I know - I choose the people I insult quite carefully) grinning like a Cheshire cat, I think most Brexiters have been quite gracious in victory. On the other hand, I didn't expect tolerant, liberal people (most Bremainers would describe themselves as such) declaring that they were 'gutted', 'crushed', 'scared witless', ' doomed' and most of all, I didn't expect young people to call the older generation 'selfish and short sighted', declaring that 'those wrinklies are going to die soon anyway'. Immediately, a petition was set up for another referendum. Two and a half million people have signed it. It gives rise to so many 'what if' scenarios. What if the next referendum favours the 'out' campaign yet again. Are the Remainers going to demand yet another vote just to be on the safe side?Alternatively, if enough of the younger generation bother to turn up this time around and Bremain win the second referendum, does anyone seriously expect Brexiters to shrug their shoulders and walk away wearing 'whatever' tees shirts? Unlike some countries, we are lucky enough to live in a country where no vote rigging or corruption took place and due democratic process was observed.
In my earlier post 'Brexit!!' I hoped that the scaremongering would stop. No such luck. Brexit came out with that shameful 'immigrants' poster and Bremain weren't much better.The morning after the vote, while the nation was coming to terms with the result of the referendum, someone on Radio 4 commented that the Remainers had over egged the pudding. I couldn't agree more. Instead of calmly refuting and counter attacking the claims made by Brexit, Bremain threw in a few nuggets of their own, even threatening the older generation with their pensions. It probably incensed the 'wrinklies' enough to thump their walking sticks in rebellion and vote the other way! Unfortunately, the over egging continues even now. I do hope it stops because I don't want this nation be an example of a self fulfilling prophecy. I hope somehow, enough ingredients get put in the pudding to balance it out and make it edible. And someone please keep it away from Nicola Sturgeon and her giant Ostrich egg,which she obviously has no qualms about cracking and delightedly flinging into the pudding.
In the meanwhile, Juncker and his cronies in Brussels demanded that we 'GET OUT NOW'. Oops, force of habit I guess, someone forgot to tell them that they can't dictate terms to Britain any longer. With their bulging salaries, bulging pensions and bulging egos, they are understandably furious and possibly scared about their own jobs. However, Angela Merkel is being conciliatory and one can only hope her calm attitude rubs off on the rest, as we forge ahead into unknown territory.
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