Raheem Sterling came under fire this week for having a tattoo on his leg. Now, you may not think that it is unusual for a footballer to have a tat, but Raheem's tat is of a gun. Little wonder everyone is up in arms about it (no pun intended).
He has tried to explain the reason for his choice. Apparently, it is in honour of his father, who was gunned down when he was just 2 years old.
Strange reason, but it's his life, his choice, his tat and his leg. Unfortunately for him, his reason did not appease the hard core objectors.
They appear to have offered him two choices - have it removed or, failing that, have him removed from the England team.
Now, as I said, his reason may appear strange but let's face it, he is a footballer, not a rocket scientist.
Perhaps he thinks, unlike real guns, instead of shooting bullets, his gun will shoot goals for England at the World Cup. (It was scarily easy for me to get into the mind of a footballer).
Nevertheless, I have two counter suggestions for Mr. Sterling. First would be to pull his socks up to his knees and keep them there at all times (double sided tape should do the trick).
Second suggestion, tattoo some roses around the gun and claim to be a Guns and Roses fan. If you are reading this Raheem (all footballers, particularly the Beckhams, love my blog!) - you are most welcome.
I feel sorry for Roseanne Barr, I really do. She had the misfortune of having a sleepless night (one presumes), so she gulped a couple of Ambiens (just discovered they are sleeping pills) and unbeknownst to her, she and her tweeting thumbs turned racist.
In the throes of her Ambiens induced trance, she appears to have discovered the antithesis to Einstein's theory of relativity - in other words, she has discovered the theory of unrelativity.
Einstein's equation: E (Energy)=mc2 (mass x speed of light squared).
Roseanne's equation: MB (Muslim Brotherhood) + PoTA(Planet of The Apes) = VJ (Valerie Jarrett).
Now, she really should have stopped there. But she didn't.
Apparently, she claims that she did not know that Ms Jarrett was Black. She commented to a fan, 'I really thought she (VJ) was Persian and Jewish'.
The last time I checked, being a bigot is just as bad as being a racist. ABC has now cancelled her show.
Oh dear, what a way to lower the Barr.
Talking of people who should know when to stop talking, Germaine Greer, who should have stopped talking after the sixties were over, has come up with yet another infuriating 'opinion'.
Rape, she says, is just 'bad sex' and victims of rape do not suffer from trauma.
Now, I am not sure if the cause of this vitriol are the fumes she inhaled from all those burning bras (and their underwires) or if she was, indeed, never a feminist in the first place.
Perhaps, she happened to be in the right place, at the right time, saw a niche and, putting her disdain for her own gender to one side, jumped right in.
There is a suggestion that she is trying to get publicity to flog her soon to be released book. I'd rather eat the raw eye of a fish, than disclose the name of said book (if I knew it).
Anyway, when her book does get published, I am sure it will fly off the shelves, if her demographic readership is misogynistic, violent men.
Most women, and right thinking men, wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.

Until next week, try and keep it light!
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