At last, Posh Spice has had an epiphany and realised what we want, what we really, really want… and it’s certainly not overpriced size 0 to -4 dresses.
Yes, having grasped the concept that some women actually like their food and that the average dress size for women is somewhere between 12 to 16, she is now designing dresses for all women. To make up for her earlier transgressions, she is going overboard and designing dresses from sizes up to 24, which are stocked in 'Target'.
While polishing her halo, Vicky Beck pouted her reason for this venture. Apparently, it is to empower all women. The fact that her bank balance gets empowered as well, is just a bonus.
I can’t wait for Posh to bring her clothes to Britain. Surely, it is her patriotic duty to empower British women (of all sizes) as well? I am sure Asda is clearing spaces on their shelves even as we speak.
On a different note, I wonder why she called her daughter Harper and not Saffron, after all she is Posh spice. Oh dear! I hope I don’t give her any ideas..there may be another little Beckham on the way.
Meanwhile, the Archbishop of York was very cross with the National Trust and Cadbury for dropping the word 'Easter' from their Easter Egg Hunt. He, and a lot of Christians, see it as yet another attempt to take a Christian festival and wipe out traces of any link to Christianity.
On a personal level, I find it slightly irritating that people who don’t have the foggiest idea what Lent is all about, ‘observe’ it by using it as an opportunity to detox their systems. New Year’s resolutions didn’t work? Don’t worry, there’s always Lent!
I have all our Easter eggs (in their boxes) on the kitchen table and on scrutiny, not a single one of them has the word ‘Easter’ on them. Nonetheless, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Easter!
Until next week, try and keep it light!