Covid-19's good pal, Donald-20, has once again done it a 'solid', by way of holding an indoor rally, where masks appeared to be in short supply and the air was thick with aerosol spittle caused by all that cheering from his adoring Orange-a-Tans.
President Rampenstilskin was in his element, using the occasion as a therapy session, to get over the 'ramp' incident. He imitated himself walking down the ramp and lamented that the fake news cut off the last ten feet where he 'ran' and looked very 'handsome' (yes, I know, I got the fit of giggles at the 'handsome' part as well).
As it turns out, none of the videos I saw had the last bit cut off. I watched it to the comedic end and it wasn't the last ten feet, and it certainly wasn't a sprint. It was more like a heaving Heffalump trying to trot down the last three feet.
He then proceeded to give a reason why he used both hands to lift a glass of water to his mouth. Apparently, it was to protect his very expensive silk tie.The proverb you can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear springs to mind.
To prove that he doesn't have a one handed drinking problem, he lifted a glass of water with one hand and drank from it. To hear the crowd cheering, you would think that he'd turn the water into bleach.
To prove that he doesn't have a one handed drinking problem, he lifted a glass of water with one hand and drank from it. To hear the crowd cheering, you would think that he'd turn the water into bleach.
Unfortunately, just as there is no cure for Covid-19, there is no cure for stupidity. And talking of stupidity, it seems to be catching, as we got a dose of insensitive stupidity from one of our own politicians here in the UK.
When talking about Black Lives Matter, Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab suggested on talkRadio, that 'taking the knee' was a symbol of subjugation and that it originated from Game of Thrones.
He then said that he would only take the knee for two people; the Queen (if he ever gets to be Sir I hope her Majesty gives him a good bop on the head with the sword) and for his wife when he proposed.
I'll end this blog with a Horace Mann quote:
Ignorance breeds monsters to fill up the vacancies of the soul
that are unoccupied by the verities of knowledge.
Until next time, stay safe.