Nowadays, Christmas is dictated by the Gospel according to John Lewis.Yes, John Lewis have released their annual, much anticipated, Christmas advert.
There are some over dramatic people who say that these days, people complain about everything. I hate to admit it but in this case, I think these over dramatic people are right.
Apparently, not everyone is happy with the advert. Which is fine, not everybody has to be enchanted by the antics and disasters of a cute fire breathing dragon called Edgar.
However, the nature of the complaints makes me want to join that cute dragon and breathe a little fire myself.
One woman asked the question, 'why am I ugly crying at 9:40 in the morning?' I don't know love, why were you ugly crying at 9:40 in the morning?
Maybe a question to ask your therapist, particularly since you managed to look at the time through your flood of tears. A word of advice though, don't go too near the dragon, you may well do more than ugly cry, little miss snowflake.
Than there is the irate Mum who complained to John Lewis that her 2 year old daughter sobbed and was distraught that the dragon had caused 'Olaf' to melt.
Apparently every snowman in the world is now called Olaf (Frosty thanks you Disney) and they NEVER melt.
Something tells me, twenty years from now, this little girl is going to ugly cry at 9:40 in the morning in the middle of November.
Don't worry Edgar. Some people still love you. You can't help breathing fire, just like some people can help ugly crying.
Incidentally, John Lewis apologised to the little girl and promised to discipline Edgar by putting him in the naughty corner. Brave talk, considering he has the potential to burn the house down.
Then all of John Lewis would be ugly crying.
The best (also the worst) came from the person who complained that there was no solution at the end. Perhaps the people could come together to fire proof the town, was the suggestion they made (I kid you not).
Shame you can't get people to fool proof complaints.
Note to John Lewis : Would not refuse if you feel obliged to send me one of your lovely Christmas hampers to say thank you. Would not ugly cry if you didn't either.
Until next week, try and keep it light.