Today is the 31st of October, 2019 and by his own prediction (and in his own words) Boris Johnson should be found dead in a ditch. That is what he had said (or promised) would be the case if he asked for a Brexit delay.
Well, he may not be dead in the ditch he dug for himself, but he certainly is in the ditch, furiously back peddling his way out.
His boast sounds quite hollow now and makes the nick name Bo Jo a bit redundant. Brag Zit sounds more fitting.
Anyway, the new deadline is the 31st of January, 2020. So the Brexit Boogie continues. A new deal in, a new deal out because the MPs have shaken it all about.
They'll do the Brexit Boogie until the 31st January, then turn the PM around to ask for another deadline and continue dancing until that deadline. Brexit on repeat. That's what it's all about.
However, there is a general election in December. Things might change then. And pigs might fly. Politicians may start serving the people rather than themselves. Donald Trump may stop tweeting. The list is endless.
Who knows? I don't have a crystal ball but if I did, it probably would have shattered by now, from stress, boredom, frustration... once again the list is endless.
In the meanwhile, I shall wear a helmet and a face shield if I venture out this evening.
There are predictions of scarily dressed little rioters demanding sweets and flinging eggs if their demands are not met👻.
Until next time, try and keep it light!